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Faith Friday | Five Things About My Friend Mary

So my friend Mary is pretty chill. She's never self-seeking - actually she's pretty selfless. She's kind of quiet and always gives things considerable thought. She's seen amazing things in her life and endured incredible hardships and losses too. She was even a teen mom before MTV made it cool. She's grieved the lost of a child too. Even with those life experiences, she's always cheerful. I don't know how she does it. She's ever the encouraging and the most loving friend too. And get this! She prays for me - like all the time - almost like she has nothing better to do. Plus, she's happy to give a mama a gentle reality check in the most effective ways.

So this past Tuesday I was being a total sh**. I was in a complete mood, and I was letting everyday life get to me in the worst way. We've had a lot going on in our life this last year. Possibly I was due for a full ugly meltdown, but it could have been more graceful. This particular day, I kind of needed someone to slap me, and say get it together chick.

Well, my dear Mary, as only she can - pulled me from my funk and pointed out the errors of my ways - ever so gently.

So you might know her. Some people call her Blessed, some Mother, some The Virgin, some Handmaid of the Lord, some Queen, still some Our Lady. There's lots of mysteries sounding her. She has had very special visits with people throughout history. Some people think Catholics worship her, but they're mistaken. I think a better word for it is hold in high esteem. Some of my most favorite peeps, have the utmost respect for Mary - Saint John Paul II and Saint Teresa of Calcutta. I'm pretty sure they were on to something.

To me she is the truest of friends, and I adore her. She's gotten me through some tough things in my life and she continues to be a cheerleader in my corner in so many ways.

Here's five of my favorite things about my Mary - Mary Untier of Knots, which happens to be my favorite title for her. More on that another day. Friends, she's happy to answer to many different names, so don't be afraid to find what works for you. Just talk to her. She loves to chat.

 Five Things About My Friend Mary

  • She's a mom, like me. She understands basic mom life and meets me right where I am daily. She did laundry, peeps. Cook dinner? Yep, that too. Give a kid a bath? Yep. Moreover, nothing in my life compares to the worst thing that happened in hers. I can't imagine her mama pain watching her Son's agony, knowing she could do nothing to change it! Only pray. So that thought right there helps me to say to myself more often - suck it up buttercup...and pray. Her whole job is to guide me and all of us to her Son and she takes that single job super seriously. She only desires for us to see Him for what He is and love Him. My job as a mom is to raise and guide these little souls (sometimes hooligans) that have been entrusted to me, to Him as well. Look at that we have things in common! We're besties in the making!
  • She ponders things in her heart always. I really think our world could use more quiet pondering. There is so much noise everywhere, especially on social media. Try pondering before you speak, it does a body good.
  • She teaches me surrender to God's will in my life. Sometimes a simple yes to God can lead to such a amazing things. To trust His purpose in our lives is peace. Plus she reminds me to never lose hope, even when hope seems lost. Surrender, trust and hope are at very core of who Mary is.
  • She's happy to pray for us. She wants to pray for us. Asking her to pray for you, is no different than asking your church prayer chain, your women's group, your Mom, your Dad or anyone to pray for you. She's just a little closer to where the prayers end up. 
  • She teaches us to not be afraid. Worry and fear can overtake you in this world. It seems to be around every corner. Fear is a big liar, and it doesn't come from God. Just like the Angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary. You have found favor with God." God wants to bless us. He wants goodness in our lives. Fear not, peeps.
So let's talk about the Rosary. I know you want to. Often people think that Catholics are praying to Mary because of the use of the rosary, the novenas, the statues and the devotions. Well, peeps, no one can love or be more devoted to Mary than her only Son, so...

The Rosary is a tool - a powerful one, but still just a tool. Just like we have tools for all sorts of things - tools for gardening, for work, for dieting, for school, for cleaning, for anything. The Rosary is a great DIY tool in building a strong friendship with Mary, focusing your prayer life, pondering the mysteries (the birth, life and death of Jesus - the greatest love story ever known) and continually seeking her Son, Jesus, in your life. Holding a Rosary in my hands, is like holding her hand as I pray. There is such depth in it's simplicity. Which I didn't always feel that way. As a child, I found it so long, tiring and boring. Sorry, Mary, but being honest. I lacked the understanding of what it truly was. 

So when did it pivot for me and I fall in love with the Rosary and my friendship with Mary grow? After my own babies arrived, and I lost my Mama. My Mom was a wise one. Mary was her bestie too and my Mom prayed the Rosary like no one I ever met. It was her biggest spiritual tool. Back before my babies arrived, she gave me a gift of a little blue book - Rosary Novenas To Our Lady (yes peeps, she's OUR Lady, not just for me). Inside my Mom wrote, "This book will get you through all." When she gave it to me, it ended up in a drawer. Sorry, Mom. Years later I found it and the beads began to find their way into my hands more and more. 

And a strange thing happened - I grew calmer in my prayer life. Calmer all around. More focused. I pondered more. I prayed more for my spouse, my children, my family, my friends. I prayed while I drove to meetings. I contemplated the words of the prayers. I grew into my own rhythm of prayer. I was joyful more. I found myself seeking Him more. I found myself at Adoration more. A few small little beads have kind of had a snowball effect in my life.

I recently heard Dr. Casey L. Delcoco say, "It's because of my earthly Mom's love that I can fathom my heavenly Mother's love." Perfectly said. And thanks to my Gloria for being a great role model of prayer.

So getting back to that recent Tuesday, where I was so very not perfect, very human and very much a hot mess and letting the world know it. Scheduled for that evening was an annual women's program at my church called Mary's W.A.Y. It reflects on Women Answering Yes. I'd already bought the ticket and in my horrid funk I did not want to go. My husband gently encouraged me not to miss it. I went. Mary was a balm to my heart that evening. She was the gentle "girl get it together" slap I needed. And it's where I heard the Dr. Casey L. Delcoco quote above. 

The closing song of the program was Holy Is His Name. The Magnificat. The hymn of The Virgin Mary. It comes from the gospel of Luke 1: 46-55. 

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord 
And my spirit exalts in God my Savior 
For He has looked with mercy on my loneliness 
And my name will be forever exalted 
For the mighty God has done great things for me 
And His mercy will reach from age to age 

And holy, holy, holy is His name 

Peeps, her only job, to forever draw us closer to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And she does it so very well. Thanks, Bestie.

- Jen

P.S. Looking for a simple, beautiful rosary? My bud Allison over at Small Things, Great Love has the hook up. Check out her Etsy shop.


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