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Finding Your Own DelightStruck Moments

Do you find yourself thinking what the heck does she mean by all these DelightStruck moments? Simply put, it's embracing the simple delightful of everyday and being in awe of your own life.

Okay, how do I do that? How do I chase DelightStruck moments?

It's not hard, peeps. It's about learning to take note of the simple things that make each day special. Appreciating right where you are and noticing what and who is around you. 

Just a few simple rules to better chase DelightStruck moments:
  • Unplug. Put the phone down, close the laptop, let the house be quiet. Look up from the those screens and life's noise and just take in what's around you - loved ones, friends, pets, nature, art, music, a book...the simple warmth of the coffee cup in your hand. 
  • Slow down. Our lives are filled with busy. Purposefully leave moments open. And if you are thinking I don't have time for that... Oh my friend, you so do. Being too busy zaps our energy and makes us less than the person God meant us too be. The last time someone asked you, "How are you?" Did you answer in one word, "Busy." Is that really even an answer? Break free, peeps! Embrace leisure time, read a book, take a walk, have an actual conversation where you learn something about the other person, really savor a meal... Basically, carve out time for yourself and the DelightStruck moments will find you. 
  • Sharpen your sensory skills. Actually notice the sounds, the sights, the smells and the sensations of your day. You might just notice the a sunrise, that sweet belly laugh of your little one, the way the wind blows the leaves, the smile of a friend, the smell after it rains...
  • Get absorbed in the moment. For me this one is the hardest. My mind is constantly going and making lists. Plus there are distractions everywhere. I've had to learn how to be present in the moment, relax and focus on chasing my DelightStruck moments.
  • Pay careful attention to the moments that make your heart sing and do more of that. Life is meant to be savored and LIVED. The more I savor the moments, the more I find I'm happier and more grateful for all that my life includes right now, and I'm not always looking to the next moment and the next big life step.
What new DelightStruck moment did you notice this week? What in your own life left you in awe? Share with me on Instagram at @DelightStruck_Jen with the tag #DelightStruck You might just be our moment of the week.

Need help pinpointing all the moments that make your heart sing? Keeping a DelightStruck journal is a great way to start.

Read more about how my DelightStruck Journey began.

See why DelightStuck.


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